Protecting, Promoting and Enhancing Community Newspapers Since 1885
The bill is designed to address long-term sustainability challenges facing community newspapers that have come from economic shifts in smaller communities and changes in the advertising world. It also helps with new stresses created by the current novel coronavirus pandemic.
Nov 8, 2021
On the 110th episode of E&P Reports, Publisher and Host Mike Blinder sat down with the National Newspapers Association’s (NNA) chair, Brett Wesner, and E&P contributing editor Gretchen Peck ...
Nov 5, 2021
Cantwell on Senate Floor: “local news is like hanging a lantern on a problem so that the light shines through... American democracy really does depend on ensuring that we have access to information.”
Oct 1, 2021
The National Newspaper Association made progress in September with the Local Journalism Sustainability Act, legislation by Sens. Maria Cantwell, D-Washington, and Mark Kelly, D-Arizona, that would provide ...
Aug 26, 2021
NNA is excited about the possibility of action in the Senate on legislation that would create several tax credits to help community newspapers. One is a credit that your advertisers could use to buy space ...
Jul 23, 2021
Cantwell: “Local news is about holding the powerful accountable.” Pandemic and economic crisis batter newsrooms at a time Americans need them most.
Jul 1, 2021
The bill would create tax credits for three purposes: to reimburse newspaper subscribers up to $250 a year, to provide for some newsroom payroll grants and to give small business advertisers reimbursement ...
Sep 1, 2020
If signed in to law, HR 7640: gives taxpayers up to $250 a year in tax credits to pay for their local newspaper subscriptions; aids salary support for journalists, 50% of salaries in the first ...
Jul 29, 2020
“Local Journalism is a bedrock pillar of communities across the United States," Kirkpatrick said at the introduction of the bill. "Unfortunately, journalistic endeavors throughout the country ...
Jul 20, 2020
ALL our influence comes from your willingness to take a minute to call or write your member of Congress.