National Newspaper Association

Protecting, Promoting and Enhancing Community Newspapers Since 1885

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How to Submit a FOIA Request

Learn how to navigate the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) process. Pick up pointers and learn when and how to use the federal FOIA Ombudsman's office as a resource for your local reporting in ...

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Introducing NewsHound's Edition 1.1

Apr 16, 2024

Covering the basics of media arts values and practice, this revised edition of the acclaimed graphic textbook offers cub reporters a primer on the drama, adventure and ethical conundrums that make journalism ...

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Shaping understanding of higher education — fellowship opportunity available

Dec 18, 2023

Each ECMC Foundation Fellow in the Higher Education Media Fellowship program will be awarded $10,000 — $5,000 as a stipend and $5,000 towards the reporting project.  

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NNA members invited to design logo for 2024 event for a chance to win ticket — Jan. 8 deadline

Dec 1, 2023

National Newspaper Association member newspapers are now invited to design an event logo for a chance to win a full registration ticket to the event.

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Understanding Periodicals Vol 2 Lesson 7: Who is Minding the Store

Nov 9, 2023

Sometimes USPS likes to see itself as a corporation and sometimes as a government agency. How do its operating rules function and who oversees them? What can you expect if you write to a member of Congress ...

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Understanding Periodicals Vol 2 Lesson 6: Mail Preparation & Addressing

Oct 26, 2023

In Understanding Periodicals Lesson VI: Mail Preparation & Addressing, we will cover address components, placement, etc.

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Resources for completing your Statement of Ownership (SOO); USPS webinar on 9/12

Sep 11, 2023

Need some guidance on the upcoming USPS statement of ownership filing?

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National Press Foundation offers Virtual Fellowship and Reporting Grant, Rare Disease Reporting Fellowship

Sep 1, 2023

Application deadline: Sept. 12, 2023, for 5-day online conference and up to $3,000 in reporting grants

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Postal Service hosts bi-weekly webinars on utilizing the Business Customer Gateway (BCG), offers help with Statement of Ownership

Aug 15, 2023

The October 1st deadline for Periodicals mailers to submit their Statement of Ownership is approaching, so the Postal Service will be hosting a webinar to guide mailers on the entry through Postal ...

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