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Ad Libs by John Foust

John Foust has conducted training programs for thousands of newspaper advertising professionals. Many ad departments are using his training videos to save time and get quick results from in-house training. Email John at

I shot an ad into the air

I think about that little archery range every now and then because I’ve been relating advertising to archery for more than 30 years. 

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Don’t ghost your clients

Although “ghosting” is most frequently associated with personal relationships, it also occurs in business relationships.

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Think like an interviewer

“As the manager of our ad team," Cory said, "I never use the word ‘presentation’ to refer to first-time meetings. In those meetings, we’re there to listen, not present. Our objective ...

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Two things that will never change

In one sentence, he summed up the most important thing that a salesperson needs to know — whether it’s selling through advertising or selling in a one-to-one conversation.

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The power of a pause

Lately I’ve been thinking about the well-known television campaign for Wrangler jeans. This is the one with the tagline that is spoken as it appears on the screen: “Real. Comfortable. Jeans.”

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‘I don’t know’ can be a great answer

When said with unquestioned sincerity, “I don’t know” sends important messages.

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Sometimes it’s good to create a stir

“We fight against complacency all the time,” he said. “Once a salesperson makes a sale and the ads start running on a regular schedule, there might be a tendency to move that client to ...

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Solving the puzzle of advertising

Let’s take a look at a real puzzle and see how it relates to the particular challenges of creating advertising.

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Sunshine in the weather forecast

It was always sunny in Carolyn’s office. There’s an old saying that some people brighten the room by arriving and others brighten the room by leaving. In the years I went to that dentist, she ...

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Put a stop to workplace silos

Abby has a simple suggestion that might be of help: “Talk and listen. Every now and then, some managers like to organize team-building activities, but honestly, I think structured team exercises ...

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Every salesperson needs a parachute

Anthony’s technique makes a lot of sense. When you feel like your sales presentation is losing altitude ... 

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Recognize buying signals, verbal and non

Those indications are called “buying signals,” and they tell us to know when to S-T-O-P talking and bring the sale in for a landing.

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Learn from the ones that get away

We know what it’s like to “almost” catch the big one, only to lose out at the last minute. At times like that, it might help to remember what speaker, writer and consultant Denis Waitley ...

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Treasure hunt for ad ideas

Not all treasures consist of gold and silver. For those of us in the advertising business, some are hidden away in file cabinets and company archives.

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Advertising’s slippery slope

We’re all guilty of that same thing. ... 

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Get more mileage out of testimonials

This strategy gave us more mileage than a campaign with two or three testimonials because there were so many different combinations. If you’d like to try something similar, here are the steps to ...

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Ad lessons from a wall poster

David Droga, who founded the Droga5 global advertising agency, said, “I really believe in the power of advertising ... the power of advertising that’s in sync with what consumers want.” ...

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Don’t sell your clients short

Gene’s story applies to anyone in sales. Just about all of us have undersold our products and services at times. When you’re upselling, here are some points to keep in mind ... 

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What makes an ad campaign?

Does this sound familiar? Are there advertisers in your market who are stuck on the same ad, week after week after week? As you work with them, keep in mind that campaigns share some common traits. 

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Do you know where your fire extinguishers are?

We all want to take care of our advertisers and coworkers. Well, there’s no better way to do that than to help them stay safe in the workplace. There are some simple things we can do to accomplish ...

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