National Newspaper Association

Protecting, Promoting and Enhancing Community Newspapers Since 1885

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Public Policy


The National Newspaper Association’s mission is to protect, promote and enhance American’s community newspapers. 

NNA needs the support of every community newspaper in order to work closely with policy officials to create a legal and regulatory environment conducive to the growth of community newspapers. 



NNA works daily on postal issues that affect community newspapers. Its goals are to achieve fair rates, efficient service and a level competitive playing field between newspapers and direct mail competitors.


Public notice

Public notices in newspapers are part of the three-legged stool of government accountability. Public notices help to inform the public on activities by the government and other public entities. Public notices have been included in newspapers from the beginning of the Republic. Now they are also on many newspapers’ websites.

Join the Congressional Action Team

The Congressional Action Team (CAT) is NNA's grassroots team composed of newspaper publishers from across the country who volunteer to contact their Senators and Representatives when legislation affecting community newspapers is introduced or when legislative activity is necessary. CAT members are asked to simply call their members of Congress or write a letter to express their concerns on behalf of community newspapers. All newspaper publishers who are members of the National Newspaper Association may join. To join, email






NNA needs your help — letter regarding postage

May 14, 2024

This summer, the Postal Regulatory Commission will review the regulations that permit USPS to require postage increases twice a year.  NNA needs your help.

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Senator Peters secures pause on changes to Iron Mountain Processing and Distribution Center

May 13, 2024

In letter to Peters, Postmaster General DeJoy commits to pausing some USPS facility changes until 2025

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US Senators submit letter to the USPS requesting cease to any further changes under the Delivering for America plan

May 9, 2024

On May 8, 2024, U.S. Senators Gary Peters (D-Michigan), Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Susan Collins (R-Maine), Jacky Rosen (D-Nevada), and Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyoming) ...

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NNA Member Alert: US Department of Labor imposes new salary requirements on many newspapers

Apr 23, 2024

Today, the U.S. Department of Labor announced a final ruling on extending mandatory overtime pay, increasing the salary threshold for employees who perform duties that classify them as exempt ...

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Statement of John Galer, chair of the NNA and publisher of The Journal-News, Hillsboro, Illinois

Apr 16, 2024

on behalf of NNA for the Oversight of the USPS Hearing Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs

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National Newspaper Association expresses concern over new postal rates slated for July 2024

Apr 11, 2024

The rate increase means newspapers are paying about 50% more for postage than three years ago. 

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Congress approves NNA language directing HHS advertising to community media

Mar 25, 2024

Three years of planning and effort by the National Newspaper Association and its partners resulted this weekend in an emphatic recognition by Congress of the vital role community newspapers play in sharing ...

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DeJoy honors Rush at her last Mailers Technical Advisory Committee in Washington, DC

Feb 1, 2024

USPS Postmaster General Louis DeJoy honors Tonda Rush, NNA legal counsel, at her last Mailers Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC) meeting in Washington, D.C.

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Grassroots are crucial to any cause

Feb 1, 2024

Depending on how things go in Washington this year, we could make some headway on critical issues like postal reform and tax breaks for newspapers and their advertisers.

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